We are getting through this crisis with the help of our friends. We are grateful to the community partners who have contributed to ensure that The Towers goes from Strength to Strength:
- The Association of Jewish Aging Services
- The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven: Maimonides COVID 19 Relief Fund
- The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven/United Way COVID Relief Fund
- The Yale University Community Fund
- The William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund
- The Tufts Health Plan Foundation and all our volunteers and donors
COVID-19 Response: Our Commitment to Safety and Community
The Towers took swift and decisive action at the start of the pandemic focusing on the safety and health of our residents and staff. We are happy to report that residents can now enjoy modified in-person programming, salon services and visits with family members. We would like to thank the generosity of our extended community partners, and our staff for continuing to innovate ways to keep residents engaged within the community whether it be the expansion of our meal program or volunteering to make masks for first responders.
Read how we managed this crisis, and how we are enabling a slow and careful return
Staying Safe
Working with local and State health officials, we made many critical decisions to keep the virus at bay. Although a very open and welcoming community, we closed our doors immediately to visitors and non-essential staff. We implemented a screening process at our doors for essential staff and provided all within our community, residents and aides, personal protective equipment.
We harnessed the power of our commercial kosher kitchen to feed every member of our community three meals by contactless delivery to help everyone distance healthfully in their apartments. We continue to feed everyone in need, regardless of ability to pay. The expansion of our meal plan, reduces exposure and risk, while ensuring that our residents’ needs are met.
Staying Connected
We transformed our programming to help our seniors connect even while apart, through technology upgrades, telephonic programs and through our very own Towers TV.
We are proud to have partnered early on with Murphy Medical Group. Thanks to Murphy, we are testing all of our residents, aides and staff for COVID weekly, enabling us to identify cases quickly and regularly. Now, with proof of negative test results, we are able to return to limited and distanced programming. Even more exciting, family members who would like to visit their loved ones, can get tested through The Towers and welcomed for one on one visits.
We are getting through this crisis with the help of our friends. We are grateful to the community partners who have contributed to ensure that The Towers goes from Strength to Strength; The Association of Jewish Aging Services, The Jewish Federation and Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven: Maimonides COVID 19 Relief Fund, The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven/United Way COVID Relief Fund, The Yale University Community Fund, The William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund, The Tufts Health Plan Foundation and all our volunteers and donors.
For weekly updates on our COVID response, please enroll in our Newsletter.
To volunteer and make a meaningful difference in the lives of our seniors, contact Sarah Moskowitz, Volunteer Coordinator and Spiritual Leader at Sarah@towerlane.org
To donate, please contact Jennifer Bayer, Director of Development and Community Relations at jennifer@towerlane.org.
Please see the archive of our Coronavirus messages to the community:
Memo regarding Coronavirus 11.20.20
Memo regarding Coronavirus 12.1.20
Memo regarding Coronavirus 12.4.20
Memo regarding Coronavirus 12.14.20
Testing for weeks 12-21 and 12-28
Memo regarding Coronavirus 12.23.20
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.5.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.8.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.13.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.27.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus, 021121
Memo Regarding Coronavirus 2.19.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 3.2.21 (002)
Memo regarding Coronavirus 3.17.20
Memo regarding Coronavirus 4.13.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 4.29.21 (002)
Memo regarding Coronavirus 5.13.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 5.14.21
Memo regarding coronavirus 5-18-21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 6.22.21, v2
Memor regarding Coronavirus 8.6.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 8.16.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 8.20.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 9.7.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 9.27.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 10.8.21
Memo re COVID-Flu clinic 10.18.21 with flu shot info
Memo regarding Coronavirus 11.1.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 11.29.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 12-23-21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 12.30.21
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.4.22
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.6.22
Memo regarding Coronavirus 1.10.22
Memo regarding Coronavirus 2.24.2022
Memo regarding Coronavirus 2.28.2022
Memo regarding Coronavirus 3.18.22
Memo regarding Coronavirus 3.30.22 (004)
Memo regarding Coronavirus 4.28.22
Memo regarding Coronavirus 5.12.22
Memo regarding Coronavirus 6.13.22